• +39 0831 560340

    Via Alfred Nobel, 72100 Brindisi

  • spg@spgbrindisi.it

    Contact us for info

  • +39 0831 560340

    Via Alfred Nobel, 72100 Brindisi

  • spg@spgbrindisi.it

    Contattaci per info

S.P.G. - Servizi Portuali Generali


Attività marittime e portuali

S.P.G. - Servizi Portuali Generali

Our organization gave the task of Shipping Agency a new ``dress``, taking new commitments and obligations towards the represented shipping companies and carriers and dedicating to global market monitoring full attention allowing our Customers to promote themselves and permitting them to expand their business in a wider and more productive maritime trading.
Operating in this way, we give an exclusive character to our mission!
S.P.G. interacts in a complete system of port operators, assuring the represented Shipping Companies a smooth feed-back to their queries.
This integration into the operating system with all the commercial activities offered by the group allowed S.P.G. to be more competitive on the shipping market.

Merci movimentate
Clienti soddisfatti

The renewed company, launched in the field of services, sees beyond the traditional limits of action and cultivates its ambitions in productive investments, aimed at assuming a multifaceted commercial and operational capacity.
The complexity of the market demand, the implementation of the quality system, pushed S.P.G. to offer immediate and adequate responses to the multifaceted port and operative needs to an ever wider range of customers.
SPG can always rely on highly specialized, competent and efficient human resources.
Advanced communication systems, the continuous investigation of economic trends and market developments are the heart of the commercial group’s database.
The improvement of quality standards offers an integration to the thirty years of experience already belonging to the group’s founders.
Today SPG can be considered as part of a complete port operations system and always ready to face new challenges in the international shipping market, strengthening its presence not only in the home port of Brindisi, but also in other main Italian ports like as Naples, Livorno, Taranto, Ancona, Ravenna.

The president / the philosophy / coming soon



“Our business card is a whole life spent in the cult of professionalism, crowned by prestigious institutional presence, appreciated in Italy and abroad. The constant improvement of our quality standards represents our challenge to the market!”

The philosophy

Understand port users’ needs represents today the basic endeavor of maritime operators. The essence and, someway, the right answer at such challenge is the creation of a proper operative “system”, which is safe assured by our professional organization. Our offer includes the appropriate feedback to every customer need … guess in advance this trend means having matched the right target of our mission!

Coming soon

The corporate investment program of S.P.G. group, in logistics services field, does not know interruptions. Our company is looking towards integrating its operating system into every combined logistics activity. Over the next five years, the company will increase its range of action in the shipping and air freights fields, acquiring new shareholdings in more productive sectors of integrated logistics services.

Founder and Chairman